
Top 5 Reasons Why Electric Utilities Must Invest In A Robust Outage Management System


July 17, 2021

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Constant innovation and changing technologies continue to transform operating methods at utilities. It enables utility managers to implement the latest features that include modern grids, advanced power distribution strategies, and numerous automation tactics.

As we can see, utilities are putting a lot of effort into embracing the latest trends. They are not merely modifying the vegetation maintenance techniques or expanding the crew. Instead, utility companies are turning their routes towards revolutionary ideas to reach greater industry heights.

Around here, OMS acquires the leading position, which has certainly become the most crucial part of electric utility operations.  Even though more and more companies have been recognizing the core advantages of outage management systems, a significant portion hasn’t yet implemented such technologies. That’s so because they are unaware of its perks.

Why not take an initiative to upskill all those less competent & potentially backward utility owners?  Sounds good? Let’s enter upon it, then.

Upsides of OMS (Outage Management System)


Outage management systems get you countless benefits that we can’t summate in a single post. As an alternative, some topmost advantages are given below in order to give readers a clear idea about the OMS without even gulping much of their time.


1. Refined Communication Standards


Time has gone when customers could keep immense patience or they barely tried to contact the electricity department to find out what’s wrong. Current picture is the opposite of past years. The domination of smartphones, high-speed internet connection, and web-based information have raised their concern regarding ‘right to information’ , so they demand assured reports, not approxomats anymore. Through OMS, utilities get to share facts by utilizing data analytics methods. 


2. Reduction in Non-revenue Power Supply

One of the biggest myths that misguide most people for decades is a dull statement that says, “ energy utilities manipulate their right of shutting down the power supply”. We bet everyone hears this whenever outages take a long time to get restored. Glad, that's nothing, but a bogus claim.


No utility company in the world charges for the shutdown duration, In fact, they encounter sudden loss in revenue. Making it more clear- how can customers pay for supply that is not recorded in the meter since it also stops working the moment outages occur. In this connection, OMS heads in to reduce non-revenue power supplies with its ability to report and resolve outages in no time.


3. Overtime Hours Control


Overtime hours are an unavoidable part of utility operations and a genuine thing until it becomes a daily work routine. Utilities have to adjust the overtime pay from the ongoing budget.


This is the point where the outage management system feels indeed crucial. The system promptly accomplishes half of the forecasted tasks digitally, minimizing the manual efforts. Less manual work means less time at the fields, and ultimately, fewer overtime payouts.


4. Hassle-free Outage Restoration

Real-time awareness is the backbone of energy utilities. It defines the main problem that triggered outage-inducing elements both at substation and distribution levels. Other than detection, OMS guides engineers to send the crew over to the area where fault exists. It frees the field crews freedom from wandering each unit individually, wasting fuel, time, and effort in one go.




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5. Greater Efficiency


Extended outages prevent utilities from reading desired goals. Whereas, cogent outage management techniques boost performance and energy production capacity of power distribution networks for increased output.


On the grounds, companies began shifting to automation, data analytics, and other innovative contrivances that raise the performance metrics beyond any doubt.


What Components Build a Powerful Outage Management System?



Getting the most out of OMS is something every utility craves. They can't achieve the goal unless the associated members dig up adequate details about the components that are mandatory.


Hold on for a minute, and catch a brief glimpse of the whole scenario.

OMS must be Customer Solution-oriented    

Reasons behind outages may be specific or different but customers are not liable to face its consequences. No doubt they are going to suffer during power shutdown, OMS needs to take a further step to provide them every single update while the restoration process goes on, and also when it resumes.


Surrounding them with confusion is not definitely a good customer handling approach. Head of operations at utilities ought to provide them the anticipated resolving time and also frequent reports (if requested).

Awesome Data consolidation Feature


OMS works as an information hub for multiple utilities that uses it as a common data processing network. The outage management system must be capable of fetching data from numerous systems like SCADA, MDM, GIS, CIS, AMR, etc. By doing so, companies receive accurate statistics that help in keeping customers updated with everything that happens throughout the outage restoration.

The knack to  Outperform Amid Extreme Situations


Utilities operate with the risk of huge network failure and system crashes. This worst incident brings in hardships where companies have no alternative left rather than managing thousands of outage complaints at once.

Reliability Is Everything


Think over it- do you ever pick a non-reliable OMS integration? Obviously, No. The same applies to utility industries. A substantial outage management system should fully align with the utility model and existing plan of actions to solve outages effortlessly. At the same time, it needs to be highly supportive of tight spots.


Easy to Access


Outage management has the prime purpose to avail data through various types of database techniques, which cannot be possible if the OMS fails to integrate with essential software.


Holding on to the mentioned five features, you can avoid making a wrong decision and regretting it later. For more details, stay connected with AriesPro Analytics or share your thoughts in the comment section below.

End Verdict.


The outage management system isn't just about improving customer service experience, optimizing the power distribution process, and reducing utility costs. It strengthens the whole infrastructure that generates far better outcomes than expectations.


Remember, outage management and well-versed outage management are two completely different terminologies. No utility climbs the peak without having a fully integrated OMS. However, it can still perform well, but not best.






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